- Litany of Complaints
- Listen to me, Gashrak. Things should have gone differently! Shakhajât is the place for Gorgar, his by right, as it was for his father and brother, but ever since the hobgoblins arrived...
- Let their allies among the man-folk inflict nine poxes upon them, and a tenth should the first batch go unnoticed! They get the best grog, the freshest meats, the choicest places to sleep... bah! Now we are reduced to quarrelling with the goblins among the Bridges for such things, and each one second-rate at best! I could go on and on!
- You didn't hear this from me, but if Gorgar cannot find victory without the Dragon and her hobgoblins, maybe he isn't as fit to lead as we thought. At least Mazog went down fighting an enemy, and was not slain by an accumulation of insults and indignities inflicted by his supposed allies!
- Kurizg